Saturday, February 16, 2013


MCKENNA, Brent - INDEPENDENT for Pilbara

I stand in between major political opponents and support a balance of individual enterprise and collective action. VOTE 1 McKenna in the Middle Ground to avoid "big--promising--policy--opposites" who haven't achieved the sustainable solutions we all need. Your Vote will help get MAKKA elected to represent YOU in Parliament and present strong cases for:

1. The Pilbara to have Australia's next International Airport to ensure government resources are targeted here and to boost tourism investments.

2. A new solar energy research centre as the starter to establishing our own "Head Land" University and a sustainable energy industry.

3. All weather upgrades to, and better tourism signage on, our main highway between Port Hedland & Karratha.

4. Starter incentives to attract Tour Operators for marine & national parks, island, rock art & industrial assets to encourage more tourist programs.

5. Rebates to install water collection systems on homes to: help water gardens, support emergency needs & stop wasting water dripping off roofs.

6. More policy emphasis on FIFOs investing and spending in our region (e.g. New Landcorp house blocks capped to 2010 prices / rates).

7. Parity with Perth prices for TAFE courses if local Registered Training Organisations don't provide for our commerce and industry needs.

8.  Extending existing bicycle paths to  link towns to growing industrial areas and recreation zones to promote healthy lifestyles and enhance rider safety.

9. Installing gas pipes in our towns like those in south west WA towns where many homes are already supplied by gas piped from our region.

10. More effectively applying building & health regulations to big construction companies too and not just our small local and regional builders.

11. Better resourcing of pro-active all-age health services to match our regional needs and to catch up to Perth health services and benchmarks.

12. Expanding recycling efforts at our land-fill tips as well as enhancing the use of bio-technology to biodegrade waste products within the Pilbara.



  1. Nationals don't have any ideas; they just get the money and expect that to be enough but they should consult people and find out what is needed and tell us about the plans and projects but instead of that they let a small set of local self-interests and bureaucrats dominate the money allocation process ... That's why I'm running - because their process is flawed and their vision is empty and without substance. Pilbara Cities will be Pilbara Ghost Towns (just like US Resource Industry and Mining Towns) if we let them keep doing it the way they are doing it.

  2. Liberals are Perth focussed and don't have a real plan for the Pilbara - apart from road upgrades. The Hospital upgrade is long overdue so it had to happen whether it was Liberal--National Coalition or Labor; besides it's our taxes and we've needed it for years so it's got to be built. The pity is Grylls would locate it on mud flats whereas it's obviously got to be near and part of the current hospital. If necessary the current health service on the mud flats could be moved because it's virtually all portable anyway so it should be moved to become part of the whole hospital complex and be more accessible to the ambulances after accidents and disasters most likely to happen in the region, on the Burrup, during storm surges and flooding that will affect Karratha at some future time, etc. and therefore beside the highway rather than surrounded by water on the edge of the future central business district where the traffic will also be a nightmare for ambulance drivers and emergency workers.

  3. Great responses from my door knocking campaign; people can't believe I turn up in 39C or at the beginning of Cyclone Rusty; I am hoping you have stocked up and are ready for the big blow - which reminds me of the National Campaign - one big load of Hot Air; if anyone takes our Royalties away we wouldn't stand for it. The fact of the matter is this. We can't afford to let the Parties play their games and simply make Motherhood statements in their election platforms. We need a real set of community based projects identified by the Parties to assess which candidate means business and whether they have consulted the community or not. That's what my platform is - a set of ideas that people say should happen ... yeah sure, it might need a little refinement but the fact is it was ideas I collected from people over the last 20+ months and it's about time they started to happen - not more "bull dust" and empty Pilbara Cities visions without substance from party hacks and conservative empty--headed--do--nothing--pains--in--the--neck. Let's stand up and be counted in this election and get the ball rolling on what we know should be done to diversify industry and sustain communities beyond the MINING BOOM - before the REAL BIG BUST when the ore and gas runs out.
